Sometimes Meat moves on its own even when Its not alive. Many Scientists and biologists say that Its because of muscle memory and electricity and other BLATANT FALSEHOODS But I beg to differ. Based On COVERED UP RESEARCH FROM THE CIA Meat has a special property that they had Dubbed "Mortous Praeter." The Mortous Praeter Property means that Meat can move After it has died. This is due to Radiation in the Air created by Modern TechNology which is why Meat has not been reported to be Doing Such things Before the year 1969 The Year the moon landing "happened" But that is another story. After that date Modern Technology began to release Special radiation into the air that activates neurons in Meat that cause it to move unnaturally. There is much Footage of this happening but notice there are small but noticable Artifacts in the film This is caused by the radiation created by techNology Interfering with itself causing Devices to be I'mpaired. No noticable harmful side effects to these movements have been Recorded. Affected Meat is still Safe to Consume and digesT. Still, many Refuse to Eat such meat they see Doing Such moveMents. That is ok. I Understand why 1 would think that way. We as Humans Do not like What is UnFamiliar to US. wE Do Not like consuming Foreign ObjectS, Even if We technically reCognize such objectz. TO Conclude, the Governmeant HAS DONE NOTHING About this. Irresponsible reptile freaks. Oh Well Im Sure Itll Be OK. Signing off

Meat In Motion

Meat That is Currently in Motion

Eternal Level Production showcasing Meat Movement


You may not See them very Often. But there is A reason for that. They Are In Hiding, Hidden away Somewhere Deep in some Asian Mountains. They Await Their day calmly, when it Is their time to return Back to The World and Be Peaceful Meat Giants. THESE CREATURES Are not violent And they do not have the capabilites for Violence , being Largely unIntelligent Creaturez. But They know that There day will soon come, and they WIll not wait ANY Longer. The Last spotting of a Meat Giant was in 1926 by John F Kennedy's father. At Least THAT is what the Media And government WIll tell you. We all know that THE Meatlings have a yearly discussion in the Himalayas, and they can be seen Often by The native peoples. June 2048 is When the Aztecs predicted their Return to be And they are always right with Their predictions (See: World Reset Forever 2012). I FOr one will Accept these Giant Meaty Friends. How about You? Shoot Me an Email at meatman1978@hotmail.com

Meat Giant

A photographic evidence Of Meat Giants continued Existence in a Government Warehouse